WebD2 Club Meeting Minutes
January 29, 2025, 4 to 5PM CST Rm BT249 or Virtual via Teams
In Attendance
- Robert Buchholz
- Kristal Kuss
- Alex Dreis
- Anna Detienne
- Lise Price
- Paula Roppuld
Please welcome new attendees:
- April Baeb
- Heather Brehmer
- Eleanor Extence
Summary of previous discussions
- Work on dev site to replace current club website
- Notion (project organization)
- Club has school account with full pro functionality
- WordPress review
- Simplify web project to make do-able
Club Goal
Redoing existing club website (webd2.club)
Basic background on WP
- Layouts based on “themes” in WP
- WP is built with HTML and CSS
- WP runs on PHP (on server)
- Content is in the server database and uploads each time
- PHP assembles code in parts, each part a set of files
- A basic set-up of 3 sections, each a set of files (see samples at end)
- header
- content
- footer
Prebuilt theme can be complicated (may contain approximately 3,000 files) so club will build its own simple theme. Although will be built with WP, for simplicity we will concentrate our work in only the theme folder which is found in:
- wp-content folder
- themes
- named themes (where our files will be)
- themes
- dev.webd2.club is the URL for the development site, to be made active when completed
- write HTML code for clean layout
- write CSS code
Group coding (avoiding problems)
- Suggestion to utilize GIT
- Possible group One-drive account to upload code to, so code is in one central location and shareable
- Future meeting demo on GIT and GITHub as not all members familiar with it
Current appearance and file structure on the dev.webd2.club site

- Boards (Kanban)
- columns
- cards/pages
- cards moveable as status changes
- All project members can view and track
- ideas
- tasks
- who is working on
- progress/ stages
- apex
- review
- done
- Useful tool as many options to add multiple types of information to the cards
- New documentation page added in the club Teamspace
- Please this page see for detailed information on working in VS code in WP, theme only and adding a Stub to remove PHP errors
Lise and Anna to become set up to use Mailchimp for invitation to next meeting
Next meeting
Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 4PM CST with proposed topic a deeper dive into Notion, and potential to start assigning tasks
Demonstration of sample code (on webd2-sftp-test theme)
Demonstration of how a simple code setup might look for header, content and footer:

Respectfully submitted by P. Roppuld, secretary